What is a Cyst? 
Cysts are benign (non-cancerous) fluid filled lumps which develop underneath the skin surface. They can occur on the scalp and anywhere else on the body. They are usually skin coloured but can become inflammed and red.

After a thorough medical consultation, the doctor will inject local anaesthetic into the skin to numb the area.

The clinician will excise the lesion and close the area with some non-dissolvable stitches.

Please note that all lesions removed by ESS Clinic are sent to an external laboratory for histopathological analysis.

The doctor will apply an antibiotic cream and dressing which you will need to leave on for 24 hours post surgery. After 24 hours, you can remove the dressing and gently clean and dry the wound area. Vaseline can be used to aid the healing process.

Please refrain from any high intensity exercise for the 7 days post surgery.

Some patients will be required to attend an appointment for suture removal 7 - 10 days after the procedure.