Polynucleotides are highly-purified DNA molecules extracted from fish. When we inject them into the skin, they reach cells called fibroblasts. These cells are responsible for the formation of connective tissue through their ability to produce collagen, which helps maintain the skin’s firm structure.

As we age, collagen production declines, which is why our skin becomes saggy and more wrinkled. Polynucleotides stimulate the fibroblasts to produce more collagen, leading to firmer, smoother skin.

Polynucleotides are a great solution if you are looking to enhance the skin quality on your face, neck and décolletage. They address fine lines and wrinkles, dark circles, dullness, poor texture, hyperpigmentation (dark spots) and acne scarring. 

Following treatment with any of the Polynucleotide products you can expect your skin to be firmer, smoother and more radiant. You’ll notice a more even skin tone that looks younger and fresher!

We only treat our patients with the safest, most reputable products that are backed by clinical data. We feel that NEWEST, PLINEST and PLINEST EYE meet these standards.

All treatments at ESS Clinic are performed by experienced, high skilled doctors who are GMC registered.
Your consultation will involve a full assessment and detailed discussion with a qualified doctor specialising in skin and aesthetic treatments. A full medical history will be taken and if you decide to go ahead with the treatment, consent will be obtained ensuring that you have a full understanding of the procedure. 

Before photographs are taken in order to measure results and record improvements. 

The treatment involves multiple injections (of microdoses) with a fine needle into the surface of the skin. As these injections can be a little uncomfortable, a numbing cream will be applied to the skin 40 minutes prior to your treatment. 

The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes depending on the areas being treated.
It takes time for the collagen to get to work, so you can expect to see initial results three weeks after your first treatment. 

Optimal results will be noticeable after completing a course of 3 treatments and will last six to nine months.
The injected product will be temporarily visible as small bumps on the skin, usually settling within 12-48 hours. You may be able to feel bumps within the skin for a few days. 

You may feel a stinging sensation when the injection is administered and bruising post treatment is possible.
Following treatment, all patients receive verbal and written aftercare advice and are offered a review appointment.

If you are any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the clinic on 0208 989 2004.

1 treatment

  • 2 mls

Course of 3 treatments


Booster Treatment